Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery


Colon and Rectal Surgeon located in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

Colonoscopy services offered in Sacramento and Roseville, CA

If you’re 45 or older and have an average risk of colon cancer, it’s crucial to schedule a colonoscopy. Routine screenings can catch colon cancer early on, improving the effectiveness of treatment. At Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group in Sacramento, and Roseville, California, the board-certified surgeons use colonoscopies to screen for cancer, look for polyps, and investigate gastrointestinal signs and symptoms. Call Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group today to request a colonoscopy consultation or book an appointment online.

Colonoscopy Q & A

What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is an outpatient procedure used to identify abnormalities in your large intestine (colon) or rectum.

During treatment, your Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group provider inserts a thin tube with a light and camera on the end (colonoscope) into your anus. The tube provides real-time images of your colon, allowing your provider to identify potential problems. 

Colonoscopy occurs under anesthesia. It’s quick, pain-free, and can provide valuable insights into your digestive health. 

Why would someone need a colonoscopy?

Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group uses colonoscopy to identify the cause of unexplained symptoms like pain, bleeding, chronic constipation, or diarrhea. 

Your provider may recommend a colonoscopy if they suspect you have an underlying gastrointestinal problem like:

  • Ulcers
  • Polyps
  • Diverticulitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Colon and other cancers

Colonoscopy can also detect colon and rectal cancer. If you have existing noncancerous polyps or are in the early stages of colon cancer, your provider can take a biopsy or remove the polyps during the colonoscopy.

Throughout your colonoscopy, your provider prioritizes your health and safety. Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group has a proven track record of performing colonoscopies without complications. 

What happens during a colonoscopy?

At the beginning of treatment, your provider administers a sedative, causing you to feel drowsy.

When the anesthesia sets in, your provider inserts a flexible tube with an attached camera and light into your anus. The tube travels through your rectum and into your colon.

The camera sends video images of your digestive tract to monitor in the exam room. Throughout the procedure, your provider squeezes air through the tube, inflating your colon to get a better view.

If you have existing polyps or your provider finds suspicious cells, they can insert specialized tools through the tube to remove the polyp or collect a cell sample. Afterward, your provider sends the sample to a lab for analysis. 

What is recovery like after a colonoscopy?

After your colonoscopy, you can expect to spend some time in recovery before going home to rest. It’s normal to feel bloated or have stomach cramps. Your provider discusses the results with you before you leave and lets you know when to expect additional results if they take a biopsy. You can return to work and other routine activities the following day.

Call Sacramento Colon and Rectal Surgery Medical Group today to schedule a diagnostic or preventive colonoscopy or book an appointment online.